Sunday, February 26, 2017

Last Week at the Provo MTC (Week 6)

Elder Herman & Elder Gill escape to Sonic!
This week we got our flight plans! I was a little scared at first because everyone got theirs in the mail but me! But don’t worry I got them and hopefully I don’t mess anything up this time so I can actually make it to Mexico! But I am flying by myself! So I am a little scared to get to Mexico and be by myself for a little in the Mexican airport. Pero esta bien! A day before we got our plans Elder Gill and I got to go to the real world! We went to the Mexican Consulate (in Salt Lake City) to finalize my visa. Hopefully take 2 is a success! And while we were out we convinced our driver to take us to Sonic wahoo! Then Thursday was Hermana Skidmore's birthday so that was a little mix up, it was way fun! Before she came in for the morning we were teaching an investigator (our teacher) Leopoldo! It was only like a 15 minute lesson and our first lesson but we set a baptismal date to work for! And the day before we got our other teacher investigator to commit to baptism as well! I know they are just teachers here but it is so special when we get a baptismal date! I can’t wait to actually get real baptisms and see the happiness it brings to people! Then we had our last lesson with Marco! He was our “TRC” investigator, so just a person that gets paid to be our investigator so it has a real feel to it, and I have loved teaching him so much! He is such an awesome person! All that happened Friday. Then Saturday nothing too special happened except we had a sauna thing for the district above us leaving! Those are always fun!

Elder Herman & Elder Gill having a friendly
 Zone Leader fight in the hall between studying.
Also I recently bought a squirt bottle so I can squirt my companion when he falls asleep because yes, it has become a problem. But ya know I didn’t just squirt him when he was falling asleep, so then he wanted revenge so he got a squirt bottle and now we just have some crazy Zone Leader fights in the hallway during our breaks. You could say we are the coolest Zone Leaders ever. :) And don’t worry we still get work done! I am translating the Book of Mormon from Spanish into English and it has helped me so much with all the conjugations and just all of Spanish!
  We had a really good devotional last night. It was Elder Schwitzer of the 70! He covered a lot of very awesome things but the one that stood out to me the most was him talking about prayer. He said a lot of good things about how we should pray. Before we start our prayers we should take a little time and ponder about what the Lord wants us to ask him and what he wants us to pray about and to be very specific about everything. DON’T JUST GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS! Then we need to make sure that we are in line with what we think he wants. Make sure that we pray in ways that we will become better and help serve others. Then ask what he wants us to ask and be specific again for what you are grateful for. Then close in the name of Jesus Christ. Then after we pray we need to go about our days searching for questions we have for our Heavenly Father and look for ways that he has answered our previous prayers. We have to have faith that the Lord is listening to our prayers. He already knows all our thoughts and everything we just need to ask him in the correct ways! Then we must act on our faith and truly try to be better and try to change according to our prayers! Prayer is so important to me and can and should be for everyone! I have a strong testimony that God listens to our prayers and answers them in the ways that will most benefit us. I know that he wants the best for us but we need to first ask and show faith that he will help us. I can promise to anyone that when you pray with real intent and truly are looking for a change or an answer or anything the Lord will help you through everything! Our loving Heavenly Father wants to hear from us every day and once you make that a priority and gain a testimony of prayer you will be blessed and your life will be so much happier! I know that I have been so blessed by the power of prayer and I just want everyone to have the same blessings as me because it makes such a huge impact!
The MTC is so freaking fun! For people preparing for missions and people who are thinking about going on a mission I definitely recommend it! It is a very hard decision to make but it is so worth it! Once you get here it is all about your attitude! I can promise that anyone who goes on a mission and has a good attitude you will love it! Losing myself in the work is so amazing I love it so much. The work really is hard but
when you know your purpose it is so much better! Also I am so grateful for my District and how they have helped me keep my personality and to have fun! This work is so hard but I am so grateful for many amazing people around me! We get lost in the work but we also have fun doing it and that is so important!
Having some fun in the MTC.
Another Temple Picture of Elder Herman.
Last temple time before flying to Mexico City!

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